
Smart And Intelligent Businesses!

We automate business processes, gain insight through data analysis, and engage with customers and employees.

SAAS Specialists

Northstar SAAS, Cloud And Al-based Solutions For Smart And Intelligent Businesses!

We help startups and enterprises build better products faster. We do this by taking care of the entire product life- cycle right from ideation and scoping to development and maintenance. We are your partners right from branding to Go to Market for you to achieve Product Market Fit faster.

We also deploy a team of experts for clients all over the globe to help augment their team to fuel the next stage of innovation. Having already delivered cutting edge solu- tions in-> App Development, Web Platforms, SRM and ERP Systems, Microservices Architecture Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Vision.

Our Al & Machine Learning solutions designed with predic- tive modeling can bring a profound impact across various business sectors comprising real estate, eCommerce, hos- pitality, IT consulting, and others.

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SAAS & Cloud

  • Finance Services
  • Edtech
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • HRTech
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TAAS: Talent As A Service 3

  • Project Management
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Human Resource Management
  • Contract based Resourcing
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Machine Learning

  • Computer Vision
  • Customer Analytics
  • Predictive Analysis
  • Recommender Systems
  • Time-series Forecasting
  • Anomaly Detection
  • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
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Robotic Process Automation

  • Finance & Accounting (Invoice Processing)
  • Human Resources (Hiring & Onboarding)
  • Retail (Inventory Management)
  • Payroll
  • Customer Support
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Other Specialty Services

  • Cloud Computing
  • Business Intelligence and Al
  • AR VR
  • Game Development
  • No/Low Code Development